Anti Ageing Skincare
What are the signs of ageing skin? and are they really preventable or reversible? above is after using our immortal oil and skin tightening serum for a few months .customers photo
As we age, our skin begins to lose elasticity, It may also feel less firm and exhibit other signs of ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles, dehydration, rough skin texture, dark spots, and even sagging of the skin
Why are we different?
Well, it started as far back as 1998, when we set out to make products without all the synthetic and petro chemical ingredients
Then we discovered something, which took us down a rabbit hole in the university research into the longevity of life and health
What we discovered was that certain plant compounds stopped or significantly slowed the main cause of cell ageing FREE RADCALS
And that's exactly what you get with us... That's why we work when so many others don't
SIZE MATTERS The main ageing damage takes place in the lower areas of the skin, in the cells that are forming .Not on the surface, where most skincare products sit.
Our extensive university research taught us the most important aspect of cell ageing... For antioxidants to work, they must get into the lower parts of the skin, unfortunately, every cream, lotion or serum by other brands is too big a molecule to do so,
so they are never going to work
When should you start using anti-ageing products?
What are the best skincare ingredients for ageing skin?
Our Ultra-potent compounds,delivered in a pure unadulterated form super anti ageing compounds, whichprovide an extraordinary defence against cell decay. Researchers at Cambridge Newcastle even HarvardUniversities found such compounds not only protected fromoxidative damage but also it stimulated growth of new cells and neutralisedsuperoxide and hydroxyl radicals which are the main cause of cell ageing.
Our formulations contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E.magnesium, copper, iron, amino acids sterols, pantothenic acid, lecithin, folicacid all of which vastly increase collagen in the skin. They also promoteand causes vitamin D to be absorbed from the sun while stopping any damage from uva . Our products can penetrate intothe lower layers of the skin making them the most effective anti-ageing thereis in skincare....they are also rich in: Essential fatty acids(EFAs) and subsequently premature prevention of ageing by minerals like omegas,proteins and beta carotene, which slow ageing cells. Vitamin A whichrejuvenates and nourishes the complexion and Vitamin E, which aids skin cellregeneration. GLA (gamma linolenic acid), which helps to strengthen the skin’ssupporting collagen fibres and is also an excellent skin moisturiser (particularlyfor dry skin) Try getting all that in today's skincare you would lucky to even get one
3 important things we need to know...
What you will be using will not contain enough anti-ageing ingredients to be effective
Many products have a very small amount of oil within a cream which can be composed of 80% water and less than 1% of the beneficial natural oils.
We make our products entirely of beneficial oils, so you receive a concentrated antioxidant.
provide essential minerals, amino acids (which are the building blocks), fatty acids (which aid repair), and all the vitamins derived from plants, vegetables, fruits
Reach deep enough into the skin to nourish and protect new forming skin cells where the ageing damage is taking place
Our oils reach the deeper layers of the skin (deeper than a cream) because of the oil's molecular characteristics which enable this vital process.
provide essential minerals, amino acids (which are the building blocks), fatty acids (which aid repair), and all the vitamins derived from plants, vegetables, fruits
Contain none of the many suspect chemicals found in so many skin care products
No micellar water, retinol, hyaluronic acid and no petrochemicals
Nothing synthetic
What products are available ..WE HAVE A HUGE EXTENSIVE RANGE
It's time
to move away from anti ageing skincare products that contain synthetic or petroleum-based chemicals which:
Increase cellular damage through oxidative stress
No protective ability
our Natural Anti Ageing Oils and Serums plant compounds which are rich in something called superoxide dismutase that:
Break apart antioxidant enzymes that cause damage
Reach deep down to surround new-forming cells to protect them
John & Karen founders >
They have between them 50 years of formulating knowledge and considered the very best skincare experts. If you want to ask them for help, email them on
or call 01299 253994 and you can always speak to them directly