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Oils Good for Menopause Skin

A mineral that is found in foods such as nuts. People take boron supplements as medicine.
Boron affects the way the body handles other minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It also seems to increase estrogen levels in older (post-menopausal) women and healthy men. estrogen is thought to be helpful in maintaining healthy bones and mental function. Boric acid, a common form of boron, can kill the yeast that causes vaginal infections. Boron may have antioxidant effects.

Peach kernel oil
A light texture that absorbs quickly without leaving a sticky film. It protects sensitive, dry and mature skin and can help to strengthen the skin's immune system. Peach kernel oil smooths and hydrates the skin, improves skin elasticity and leaves a soft and supple feel.

The natural properties are said to promote feelings of relaxation, peace, and overall wellness. It's also thought that frankincense can help support cellular function, so it's often used to soothe skin and reduce the appearance of blemishes

Rose Oil
Relieves Stress, Fights Anxiety and Relaxes Your Body and Mind. During rose aromatherapy, the essential oils move deep into your skin and the air in your lungs, regenerating skin while comforting the mind. It slowly relaxes your muscles, relieves spasms, and reduces inflammation.
We only use organically derived, unadulterated therapeutical botanical oils. These natural raw materials are so well protected and cared for to maintain all the nutritional goodness from the plant. At a molecular level these are highest quality natural ingredients available in the world. We never cheapen on quality or botanical raw materials!
Estrogen in older women
Menopause is associated with a relatively abrupt decline in the ovarian production of estrogen that results in a state of estrogen deficiency.
Macular degeneration and cataract formation may be additional consequences of the estrogen deficiency state. Thus the estrogen deficiency state may be characterized as a state of accelerated ageing. The abrupt transition from the reproductive state of multiple estrogen-dependent neural systems within the brain may affect their function as manifested by the typical menopausal symptoms of hot flashes, mood changes, sleep disturbance, and cognitive impairment.
What are the symptoms of low estrogen levels?
Dry skin.
Tender breasts.
Weak or brittle bones.
Trouble concentrating.
Moodiness and irritability.
Vaginal dryness or atrophy.
Hot flashes and night sweats.