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Pre-Sun Body Oil 200ml | For UVA Protection | NES141

  • A Pre-sun body oil to protect from UVA 
  • Helps Increase melanin production
  • Prevents irritation from SPF use
  • Ideal for all skin types   

294,00 kr
0 Reviews

Deep Natural Damage Protection

What this product is not: 

It's not a sunscreen (SPF) and won't block UVB rays, which cause sunburn on the skin's surface.

It is, however, something that is much cleverer. It protects the skin by stopping the sun from ageing your skin.

It's a concentrated blend of antioxidant oils that neutralise damage caused by the UVA rays which energise the free radicals that damage cells, leading to premature ageing by breaking down Elastin and Collagen and cause cell mutations (including cancers).

Almost no skin cancers are caused by burning, but they are caused by an action of UVA light.

This product doesn't block UVA, it neutralises it's effect.

Intelligent skin protection

Around 90% of the UV light outside is UVA. We need protection in our skin because UVA is so penetrating.

UVA photons activate free radicals to cause oxidative stress in skin cells,  but certain oils can stop this deep within our skin.

Our products are formulated to envelop the vulnerable cells with these oils to protect them from damage and mutation from oxidative stress.

Simplistic blocking isn't the answer you might think it is.

We need the sun and the vitamin D it produces in our skin, but we need protection from free-radicals damaging our vulnerable skin cells.

  • Collagen is better protected

  • Pigmentation damage is reduced

  • Anti-Cancer

    Vulnerable new skin cells form without risk of free radical mutation

    Sun-forming Vitamin D production is not hindered

Skin protection with intelligence

It's time to upgrade your skin care in the sun


(Verified Purchaser)


"This is AMAZING I have been out in the garden all Summer and have not used any 'Sun Tan Lotion'. 

This product really works. I have Red Hair and do not have the normal pale skin colouring and I always thought I should use a Factor 50, but would still get burned. I had tried various makes. 

I used this, and for the first time ever, I have a lovely golden brown sun tan using only this product and there's no sun burn at all.

I will definitely be purchasing more next year. My suspicions about high factor Sun Creams are that they're damaging to skin. 

Thank you Thank you Thank you"

Actives and Ingredients  

Grapeseed (Vitis vinifera) Peach (Prunus persica) Avocado (Persea gratissima)


How To Use

For the first few days of your holiday, apply regularly and only be in direct sunlight for short periods of time. 

For ultra-sensitive or pale toned skin types, use a maximum of 10 to 20 minutes a day and avoid peak times between 12 and 3 p.m.

Please note that this is not a SPF, which reflects UVB (the ray that burns the skin surface). We recommend being in the shade during long periods of sun exposure, wearing hats, clothing, and not being in direct sunlight for longer than 2 hours. 

Re-apply after every swim after you’ve washed off the salt or chlorine.

Listen to your skin, head out of the sun, and cover up when you feel a tingle in the skin; it means it's had enough sun for today.


1) Use Soothing Body Lotion at the end of the day over the top of oil to leave a matt finish and lock in the beneficial ingredients. (Do this also when you first apply the oil).

2) If you can’t be parted from your usual SPF, you can minimise the damage it caused first applying our pre sun oil, then the SPF on top.

3) Using our Invigorating Body Wash mixed with a little oil at the end of the day will remove all chlorine chemicals and seawater from the skin.  

Sample Sized 20ml pot available:

89,00 kr

Verified Customer Reviews

Works Best With

Sun Damage by UV Light

Find out about Ultraviolet light skin damage and why our products are so helpful

The Problem with SPFs

Shocking: How ingredients in some SPFs work with UVA light to promote certain cancers.

SPFs Vitamin D deficiency

Being deficient of vitamin D whilst bathing in sunshine. Fascinating SPF alternatives.

Mainstream Brands Vs Natural Elements

Reversing the damage can be possible by stimulating cells and providing the necessary nutritional components cells need to stay strong and healthy. In typical skin care brands, these components are provided artificially through man-made chemicals or through artificial stimulus to provide ‘instant’ gratification results. 

However, extensive research has shown these synthetic stimulus & artificial nutritional benefits have long term negative effects, which include further accelerated ageing such as skin thinning, allergic reactions, environmental damage and even acceleration of cancer cells. 

The alternative to stopping free radical damage is through organic plant oils and fruit extracts, which have the necessary nutritional components cells needed for cells to stay strong and healthy. The purer and better quality the plant is turned into an oil the higher concentration of nutritional and vitamin benefits they have. 

The best way to intake the necessary components to slow free radical damage is high concentration oils. The oil molecule is better suited to be absorbed through the dermis skin layers and into the blood stream. Whereas a cream or gel is too large and will retain on the surface levels, providing great hydration benefits but little nutritional benefits. 
