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Pre-Sun Body Oil 200ml | For UVA Protection | NES141


~ A Pre-sun body oil to protect against UVA V Previously known as the Synergistic Body Oil

~ Helps Increase melanin production

~ Prevents irritation from SPF use

~ Ideal for all skin types

A holiday must-have, this scent & allergy-free, moisturising blend of Avocado, Peach, and Grapeseed Oils protects the skin in the sun whilst deeply moisturising. it also has organic grapeseed oil, which is very rich in natural antioxidants to protect against UVA free radical damage and reinforce the hydrolipid film, leaving the skin silky soft and nourished. If you want to see what other people think about using this product, it's all between 4 and 5 stars at the bottom of this page.

.Our combination of oils In this product means you have rich source of antioxidants absorbing through the skin, which is where it helps most with UVA protection

Unlike synthetic SPFs,

 this oil doesn't stop you from absorbing Vitamin D. Please note however that our oil only has limited resistance to UVB light (which causes sunburn to the surface) it is not a SPF in that way

 The key to protecting your skin is to make sure your skin doesn't burn, building sun exposure up over days will help the melanin rise naturally in your skin which then is the skin own natural way to protect itself which in turn stop the skin burning naturally.

 To stop you from getting burnt get regular shade and rest out of the direct sunlight. Now importantly in the shade or wearing a hat /clothes/ windows does not stop UVA damage (the main source of cell mutation - ageing and skin cancer) so continue to use the oil on the skin if out of direct sunlight or in a car. 

How does it work and apply often

It is a concentrated range of antioxidant oils which neutralise the damage caused by UVA from the sun which increase the free radicals around the cells and is responsible for cell premature ageing/cell mutansion (cancers) and invisible damage to new forming cells. Such long range photons can by pass many spf's and go through umbrellas, hats, clothes, windows and water.

It does not stop you from getting burnt from UVB on the skin surface which are mostly dead cells anyway so don't mutate but still have pain receptors

What it does allow is absorbance of vitamin D which spf's don't... and if you are sensible and take regular care to get shade, wear hats etc which blocks out UVB then you can be free of using spf's which are full of many skin irritating and cell damaging chemicals .

The best form of sun care is little and often with lots of shade, do not lay out for long periods of direct sunlight and you will find not only that you don't burn but also your skin melanin will come through giving a nice healthy tan and without the very harsh chemicals in spf' being on the skin. you can use it under a chemical spf if you so wish giving a barrier to the chemicals in spf .

Why Natural Oils? Vital oils, unlike creams, can penetrate into the lower layers of the skin making them the most effective skincare protection to oxidative cell stress Vital Oils are rich in Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and subsequently prevent premature ageing. They contain minerals like omegas, proteins and beta-carotene, which slow the ageing of cells., which aids cell regeneration.


Grapeseed (Vitis vinifera) Peach (Prunus persica) Avocado (Persea gratissima)


Previously known as the Synergistic Body Oil. Our combination of oils In this product means you have rich source of antioxidants absorbing through the skin, which is where it helps most with UVA protection (according to the research of Birmingham University).  

Unlike synthetic SPFs, this oil doesn't stop you from absorbing Vitamin D. Please note however that our oil only has limited resistance to UVB light (which causes sunburn to the surface) The key to protecting your skin is to make sure your skin doesn't burn, building sun exposure up over days will help the melanin rise naturally in your skin which will control the reflection of the light which in turn stop the skin burning naturally..

 To stop you from getting burnt get regular shade and rest out of the direct sunlight. Now importantly in the shade or wearing a hat /clothes/ windows does not stop UVA damage (the main source of cell mutation so ageing and skin cancer) so continue to use the oil on the skin if out of direct sunlight or in a car.  

Science News - Did you know that Vitamin D deficiency is the biggest health concern in 2022? Being in the sun for just 15 mins gives you the best Vitamin D that your body can absorb.  

  • how does it work and apply often  

    iI is a concentrated range of antioxidant oils which neutralise the damage caused by UVA from the sun which increase the free radicals around the cells and is responsible for cell premature ageing/cell mutansion (cancers) and invisible damage to new forming cells.  Such long range photons can by pass  many spf's and go through umbrellas, hats, clothes, windows and water. 

    It does not stop you from getting burnt from UVB on the skin surface which are mostly dead cells anyway so don't mutate but still have pain receptors  

    What it does allow is absorbance of vitamin D which spf's don't... and if you are sensible and take regular care to get shade,  wear hats etc  which blocks out UVB then you can be free of using spf's which are full of many skin irritating and cell damaging chemicals . 

    The best form of sun care is little and often with lots of shade, do not lay out for long periods of direct sunlight  and you will find not only that you don't burn but also your skin melanin will come through giving a nice healthy tan and without the very harsh chemicals in spf' being on the skin.  you can use it under a chemical spf if you so wish giving a barrier to the chemicals in spf . 

    Why Natural Oils? Vital  oils, unlike creams, can penetrate into the lower layers of the skin making them the most effective skincare protection to oxidative cell stress  Vital Oils are rich in Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and subsequently prevent premature ageing. They contain minerals like omegas, proteins and beta-carotene, which slow the ageing of cells., which aids cell regeneration.




    Grapeseed (Vitis vinifera) Peach (Prunus persica) Avocado (Persea gratissima)


For the first few days of your holiday, apply Synergistic Body Oil, regularly and only be in direct sunlight for short periods of time. For ultra-sensitive or pale toned skin types, use a maximum of 10 to 20 minutes a day and avoid peak times between 12 and 3 p.m.

Please note that this is not a SPF, which reflects UVB (the ray that burns the skin surface).We recommend being in the shade during long periods of sun exposure, wearing hats, clothing, and not being in direct sunlight for longer than 2 hours in direct sunlight. Get your vitamin D, but in moderation! 

Re-apply after every swim after you’ve washed off the salt or chlorine. Listen to your skin, head out of the sun, and cover up when you feel a  tingle in the skin (it means it's had enough sun for 1 day). 


1) Use Soothing Body Lotion at the end of the day over the top of oil to leave a matt finish and lock in the beneficial ingredients. YOU CAN ALSO DO THIS WHEN YOU FIRST APPLY THE OIL TO THE SKIN TO TRAP THE OIL IN AND GIVE A MATT, NOT OILY FINISH

I2) f you can’t be parted from your usual SPF you can minimise the damage caused by applying Synergistic Body Oil before you apply your SPF to protect your skin.

3) Using our Invigorating Body Wash mixed with a littel oil at the end of the day will remove all chlorine chemicals and seawater from the skin.


Why Don't We Encourage Using a SPF?

It seems to have become mandatory if you want to protect your skin from premature ageing you must defend it with an SPF moisturiser? We were asked why Natural Elements, the best the UK has to offer in natural anti-ageing, doesn’t have any SPF ingredients in their products? Especially when we preach so much about prevention of premature ageing…

Mainstream Brands Vs Natural Elements

Reversing the damage can be possible by stimulating cells and providing the necessary nutritional components cells need to stay strong and healthy. In typical skin care brands, these components are provided artificially through man-made chemicals or through artificial stimulus to provide ‘instant’ gratification results. 

However, extensive research has shown these synthetic stimulus & artificial nutritional benefits have long term negative effects, which include further accelerated ageing such as skin thinning, allergic reactions, environmental damage and even acceleration of cancer cells. 

The alternative to stopping free radical damage is through organic plant oils and fruit extracts, which have the necessary nutritional components cells needed for cells to stay strong and healthy. The purer and better quality the plant is turned into an oil the higher concentration of nutritional and vitamin benefits they have. 

The best way to intake the necessary components to slow free radical damage is high concentration oils. The oil molecule is better suited to be absorbed through the dermis skin layers and into the blood stream. Whereas a cream or gel is too large and will retain on the surface levels, providing great hydration benefits but little nutritional benefits. 

Molecular Geometry In Botanicals

We’ve spent the last 5 years working with UK universities in the longitude of human cells using the benefits found in botanical oils. We are the only natural skin care brand conducting this kind of ‘skincare beyond beauty’ research. We are looking at the long-term benefits of using organic oils vs the skin care industries current standard, which is based on providing instantaneous visible results (such as skin peels and retinols).

The term ‘conscious beauty’ is used quite often as a phrase to empathise a brands belief in concentrating holy on its customers and the environment. Yet, it often just appears on the surface and deep down the core of the brand acts almost soulless, ignoring its customers rather than helping & interacting with them.  

Well, you can speak to us. In fact, you can even speak to the owners directly! John and karen are in the office and they don’t mind taking 10 minutes to help you over the phone or by email. You can contact them on 01299 281386 or 

Healthy Products For a Healthy Planet

We are passionate about the environment and avoid synthetic ingredients at all costs. From our ethically sourced ingredients to only using a natural preservative! All of our packaging is recycled and recyclable and we have and will never test on animals.

Some of our oils are more expensive than others and this is down to the quality of the botanical oil and the rarity of the oils production. Simply put the better quality of the oil (and the higher concentration of benefits) the more expensive they become.