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Time to try a new skin care approach?
For decades we’ve been duped by the latest trend or fashionable image, creating a yearly cycle of buzz and hype over a marketing pinned ingredient that has been created by a fancy advertising agency in caramel latte filled offices.
instead of treating skin care development with your health and wellbeing in mind, the corporation brand owners think of quick fixes to stimulate your desire to buy overnight beauty results, focusing on Petro-chemicals to quickly burn off skin layers so you feel instantly rewarded for spending £60 on a product thats only true value is bottles lovely packaging.
These companies don't mind altering your molecule structure with a concoction of patented synthetic ingredients they have jumbled together from a brief by a brand manager, which exposes the biggest group of cells in your skin to hormone imbalances, long term dryness, redness, premature ageing or possibly cancer.
A snobby skin care brand executive said to us at a professional beauty event once upon time ago. Just like most of today’s politicians, beauty brands are great at misleading you into buying a must have... even when it goes against your common sense! Because they prey on your vulnerabilities and convince you that new beautiful packaging has something extra special inside. Click below to take our dermatology created quiz to find out what will be perfect for you:
Discover Your Natural Elements

Natural Elements Best Sellers

When we found out only 42% of natural skin care brands on the market are actually (and often only partly) natural, we decided to make a satirical video about brands we've met in our 20 year history who have made misconceptions about natural anti-ageing.
In the new study it revealed how the word “natural” is being misused to market non-natural skincare products, with only 42% of those marked up as “natural skincare” being truly natural reported by professional beauty magazine
Research conducted by skincare specialists THE DERM REVIEW analysed the ingredient lists of the top 100 best-selling natural skincare products and found that more than half (58%) contained synthetic ingredients, while all the “natural” serums in the study contained at least one synthetic ingredient. Majority of the synthetic ingredients found in the products had links to irritating skin.