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Botanical Ingredients
A synergistic blend of Poppy Seed Extract & Aloe Vera that works to sooth, tighten and firm skin whilst minimising the visible signs of ageing, wrinkles, loss of firmness, elasticity and uneven skin tone.
The blend contains the Botanical key active 'Crystalline Cellulose' which allows natures trees and plants to stand tall. When applied to the skin, it strengthens fibres acting like an astringent, tightening skin and absorbing free radicals, to reveal a smoother and more refines complexion.

Skincare Ageing Chemistry Facts
Over 90% of skin ageing is caused by atoms called free radicals.
If free radicals overwhelm the body's ability to regulate them oxidative stress occurs, and this causes damage to the cells. As cells breakdown, so too does collagen production, resulting in loss of fibres and elastins. This results visibly on the skin through sagging, lines, wrinkles, and dullness to the skin.

Reversing the damage can be possible by stimulating cells and providing the necessary nutritional components the cells need to stay strong and healthy.
In typical skincare brands, these components are provided artificially through man-made chemicals or through artificial stimulus to provide ‘instant’ gratification results.
The problem is, extensive research has shown synthetic stimulus and nutrition do have long term negative effects, including further accelerated ageing (skin thinning), allergic reactions, environmental damage and even acceleration of cancer cells.

The alternative to stopping free radical damage is through organic plant oils and fruit extracts, which have the necessary nutritional components needed for cells to stay strong and healthy.
The purer and better quality the plant, the higher the concentration of nutritional and vitamin benefits there are in the oil.
The best way to intake the necessary components to slow free radical damage is high concentration oils.
The oil molecule is better suited to be absorbed through the dermis skin layers and into the bloodstream.
Whereas cream or gel is too large and will remain on the surface, providing little nutritional benefits.